G-STOCK WMS software


G-STOCK management software: Armed Forces' benchmark WMS!

Land issues

Would you like to optimize the stock in your central production warehouse?

The G-STOCK software ensures stock integrity and tracks all movements requested by Production Management (CAPM) which transmits the Production Order list for picking and receipts made to the software. It can also manage automated stock replenishment based on minimum quantity limits selected for each space.

Would you like to enhance your order picking throughput?

The G-STOCK WMS prints a pathway plan tracing the pallets and products to be taken out by setting up the shortest round to be made. Once picking is over, the operator validates their round once only. A summary output slip (a pick ticket) is then issued for this order. During receipts, G-STOCK automatically proposes the most appropriate spaces for each pallet based on each product capacity.

Would you like to set up a self-service warehouse?

When linked to automated storers or secure vending machines, G-STOCK can be used to serve in-stock products 24/7 and ensure optimal tracking. G-STOCK allows you to manage part availability based on operators and also manages tooling and other equipment loans.

Would you like to keep track of your maintenance parts?

G-STOCK manages the maintenance stock whilst tracking all movements made and can track consumption recorded for the various machines so as to create repair statistics. It automatically launches replenishment of stockout parts or parts which have reached minimum stock and memorizes unfulfilled requests (missing or owed).

Would you like to manage several warehouses with one management software?

G-STOCK enables you to manage several warehouses integrating storage systems with one software which uses an all-in warehouse management interface from receipt through to shipment. The warehouse staff, real-time connected to the stock and the storage spaces, can view stock errors and can make transfers, replenishment and inputs/outputs without having to return to their computer.

Technical arguments

Software suites

Network Architecture

Software suites

All-in G-STOCK
All-in G-STOCK

The all-in G-STOCK software manages all logistics flows inside the warehouse from package arrival through to part shipment, including all intermediary phases. This software enables you to manage all the ins and outs of the supply chain easily through the webservice.


The G-STOCK WMS software manages the logistics flows for the various areas of your warehouse/store/shop.

It enables:

  • Removal
  • Transfer
  • Or instant quarantine.
G-STOCK management
G-STOCK management

The single-user G-STOCK management software only manages inputs and outputs for storers managed by the control station in your warehouse or store. The single-user G-STOCK management software can manage ELECTROCLASS storers as well as those of other brands.

Remote G-STOCK
Remote G-STOCK

The remote G-STOCK software enables you to manage your stocks and spaces in areas which are not linked to your ERP or LIS (Logistics Information System).



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Customer cases