17 November 2018
ELECTROCLASS has rolled out numerous secure distribution applications for the RATP providing it with 100% secure availability of PPE and consumables, 24/7 accessible.
Customer Presentation and Needs
Prior to rolling out secure distribution solutions, the fact that no-one was appointed for making consumables available meant that a lock-and-key system had to be set up for the equipment, the tooling and the PPE yet with no guarantee as to being accessible at all times of the day and night.
This management system could not ensure that the right equipment was given to the right people or that there was enough stock of PPE.
ELECTROCLASS all-in solution
The solution was rolled out in 2 phases with the integration of a first RotoPoint solution. This first phase showed a return on solution investment in just a few months, through the following mechanisms:
Reducing consumption costs
- Bringing "physical stock" and "logical stock" into line
- Increasing productivity by limiting operators' toing and froing.
- Making consumables accessible 24/7
"We quickly noticed an improvement in the quality of our consumable management as well as significant savings. These aspects confirmed our view to order a second RotoPoint vending machine."
As such, the second phase was intended for setting up a second system which would handle the integration of new references. The comprehensive solution ensured existing operating assets were kept whilst processes were streamlined. The restrictions and permission management features meant that only authorized staff could access critical security elements.
"The vending machine, set up and installed by ELECTROCLASS, was integrated for us with settings which corresponded to all our needs (…) a tailored troubleshooting/hotline phone service is available. I took part in an in-house training course led by an ELECTROCLASS technician, as did our agent in charge of ensuring RotoPoint performance and monitoring. (…) We know that ELECTROCLASS is on-hand and available to accompany us when we need them"
Comments made by the RATP GRAND PARIS 1 Line 14 Machining Shop Manager.